The AgribusinessWatch is the English version of the Observatório do Agronegócio, launched by September, 2007, developed by TechnoPolitik from CEBRAC Foundation's proposal presented and approved at the meeting of Articulação Soja-Brasil (AS-Br), in São Luís, February 2007. The foundation and AS-Br no longer exists.
The concepts, views and opinions of signed articles are the sole responsibility of their authors, since AgribusinessWatch intends to hold a democratic debate and to publish texts of different and even conflicting viewpoints, not necessarily reflecting the position of the AgribusinessWatch with respect to the subject.
The AgribusinessWatch will express its position in the Opinion section and comments in the news, when signed by its publisher.
- Maurício Galinkin
- Mayron Regis, Maranhão, Pará and Piauí;
- Edilberto Sena, Santarém, PA;
- Mario Menezes, São Paulo, SP;
- João Alfredo Telles Melo, Fortaleza, CE;
- Humberto Mafra, Findhorn, Scotland;
- Raquel Carvalho, São Paulo.
The translation to English use the Google translator tool, with a copy-desk by Maurício Galinkin.
Please let us know any mistakes in order to improve the English text and turn our AgribusinessWatch easier to be understood.
The AgribusinessWatch is edited by TechnoPolitik Publishing
Mailing address:
SCS, Quadra 01, Bloco B, sobreloja 23.
CEP: 70308-900 Brasília. D.F.
Tel: +55 61 8407-8262
Photo, author: Maurício Galinkin. Detail of the door at the Sagrada Familia Cathedral, Barcelona, Spain, May 2007.